Monday, 2 November 2020

Joe Sault, book II nears completion...


Hooray for me!
Due out Christmas, 2020!

I finished the rough draft on Halloween, about three hours before trick-or-treaters took to the streets.

I printed off and a copy and rushed what I call "The Director's Cut" off to my mother. Because she's my Mom and also because she's very fast, she always gets the first read. She'll catch the broad-strokes problems, but I'm hoping, as with Wakeless, Joe Sault, book I, there won't be any.

At first, I really did like "Unequilibrium," but the story took a couple of unexpected turns and I don't think it fits so well, anymore. I spent the last 24 hours desperately sifting through for a title I truly liked, finally settling on: The Queen of All Colors, which I think really hits home. It has the added benefit of being composed of actual words in the English language, unlike "Unequilibrium." (The proper word is disequilibrium.)

Another thing I've learned is that, contrary to what you might expect, Amazon's search engine can't match close spellings of made-up words, never mind that they might be unique. To find "Unequilibrium," a reader would have to spell it exactly. I can't afford for my title to be that difficult to search.

I've fretted over this cover more than any other, but once I had my title, the design came quickly. Right now, I'm happy with it. I have a month while the proofreaders tear into my story to think it over and make adjustments.

Anyway, the main point of this post is: Hooray for me!

[goto for more details]

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