Saturday, 1 November 2014

More Cover Coverage

I received news from my "cover girl," Alison.

She's done a great job, I think. She gave me 3 cover ideas; two based on what I started with and one, a complete departure—her vision of my story in which tea, psychedelic drugs and time travel are connected.

I did a little more work on my own and now we've got 6 contenders! So much for narrowing it down.

I have to pick one direction for Alison to pursue. After this, she will work to make a finished product from the one I choose.

Personally, I think her tea themed cover is by far the best. I wouldn't change a thing on that design. The picture is intriguing while expressing the overall feel of the story and the font brings in the science-y aspects. If I was an established author with a solid reputation, that's definitely the one I'd go with.

But I'm an unknown and the cover is my number 1 marketing tool. I feel that the tea theme represents the thoughtful elements of my story without expressing any of the action/adventure. I'm afraid that it will be too passive and not attract the majority of buyers. Perhaps I'm underestimating readers.

I need your help!
Please send me your votes and thoughts. 

(If you can't decide on a specific cover, maybe you could tell me which elements you like or don't.)

Thanks, in advance, Everyone, for all your support.

Cover#1 - (Tea Theme)
Cover#2 - (Overlay, Lg Bullet)
Cover#3 - (Overlay, Sm Bullet)

Cover#4 - (Overlay, Sm Bullet Tilted)
Cover#5 - (No Overlay, Sm Bullet)
Cover#6 - (No Overlay, Sm Bullet Tilted)

1 comment:

  1. ALWAYS go with the best. #1, hands down is my vote. There are more levels of interest and intrigue in this. I think the others bring it down to earth. It looks like more of the same, and for that reason I may not pick it up. I didn't really know it was a bullet until I could see its "tail". I think people perusing the shelves will be drawn to #1 as something different. People who buy by author only are not going to be "perusing". My 2 cents.
